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Does Religion Answer Life’s Key Questions? (New Ideal Q&A)

In this New Ideal video Q&A session, I respond to a question arising from my article “Finding Morality and Happiness Without God.” A reader named Mike commented:

Many religious leaders argue that a purely secular outlook cannot provide answers, or at least satisfying answers, to the following key questions of life: Identity—who am I? Value—why do I matter? Purpose—why am I here?

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I hope you find my answers informative and thought-provoking. If you have follow-up questions on these issues, please don’t hesitate to send them my way, using our New Ideal comment form.

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Onkar Ghate

Onkar Ghate, PhD in philosophy, is a senior fellow and chief philosophy officer at the Ayn Rand Institute. A contributing author to many books on Rand’s ideas and philosophy, he is a senior editor of New Ideal and a member of the ARU faculty.

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