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The Problem with Pro-Immigration Arguments

Podcast audio:

In this episode of New Ideal Live, Onkar Ghate and Agustina Vergara Cid criticize various pro-immigration arguments and discuss how they undermine a proper moral defense of immigration.

Among the topics covered:

  • How conventional pro-immigration arguments are based on altruism and collectivism;
  • How altruism leads to the infantilization of refugees and failure to advocate for economic migrants;
  • How diversity quotas perpetuate racism in the name of fighting it;
  • How the “economic case” for immigration reduces immigrants to servants;
  • The false assumption that the interests of Americans and immigrants are inherently at odds;
  • How anti-immigrant advocates have set the terms of the immigration debate;
  • How to think about the claim that pro-immigration advocates are seeking to dilute American values.

The podcast premiered on August 22, 2024. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Watch archived podcasts here.


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Reinier Schuur

Reinier Schuur is a junior fellow at ARI who works on health policy.

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