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The Ten Commandments vs. America

Unchosen servile duties are unbefitting of the morality of a free people.

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On June 19, Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed a bill that would mandate display of the Ten Commandments in every public classroom in the state. Critics have plausibly argued that the law represents an unconstitutional violation of the First Amendment and have promised to sue to overturn it.

But no critics have challenged its claim that to celebrate the Commandments “faithfully reflects the understanding of the founders of our nation with respect to the necessity of civic morality to a functional self-government.”

Can a nation of freedom, individualism and the pursuit of happiness truly be based on the Ten Commandments?

To answer this, let’s look at the commandments. The wording differs among the Catholic, Protestant and Hebrew versions, but the content is the same.

The first commandment is: “I am the Lord thy God.”

As first, it is the fundamental. Its point is the assertion that the individual is not an independent being with a right to live his own life but the vassal of an invisible Lord. It says, in effect, “I own you; you must obey me.”

Could America be based on this? Is such a servile idea even consistent with what America represents: the land of the free, independent, sovereign individual who exists for his own sake? The question is rhetorical.

The second commandment is an elaboration of the above, with material about not serving any other god and not worshipping “graven images” (idols). The Hebrew and Protestant versions threaten heretics with reprisals against their descendants–inherited sin–“visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation . . .”

This primitive conception of law and morality flatly contradicts American values. Inherited guilt is an impossible and degrading concept. How can you be guilty for something you didn’t do? In philosophic terms, it represents the doctrine of determinism, the idea that your choices count for nothing, that factors beyond your control govern your “destiny.” This is the denial of free will and therefore of self-responsibility.

The nation of the self-made man cannot be squared with the ugly notion that you are to be punished for the “sin” of your great-grandfather.

The numbering differs among the various versions, but the next two or three commandments proscribe taking the Lord’s name “in vain” and spending a special day, the Sabbath, in propitiating Him.

READ ALSO:  Why Nationalism Is Hostile to America (Part 1)

In sum, the first set of commandments orders you to bow, fawn, grovel and obey. This is impossible to reconcile with the American concept of a self-reliant, self-owning individual.

The middle commandment, “Honor thy father and mother,” is manifestly unjust. Justice demands that you honor those who deserve honor, who have earned it by their choices and actions. Your particular father and mother may or may not deserve your honor – that is for you to judge on the basis of how they have treated you and of a rational evaluation of their moral character.

To demand that Stalin’s daughter honor Stalin is not only obscene, but also demonstrates the demand for mindlessness implicit in the first set of commandments. You are commanded not to think or judge, but to jettison your reason and simply obey.

The second set of commandments is unobjectionable but is common to virtually every organized society – the commandments against murder, theft, perjury and the like. But what is objectionable is the notion that there is no rational, earthly basis for refraining from criminal behavior, that it is only the not-to-be-questioned decree of a supernatural Punisher that makes acts like theft and murder wrong.

The basic philosophy of the Ten Commandments is the polar opposite of the philosophy underlying the American ideal of a free society. Freedom requires:

— a metaphysics of the natural, not the supernatural; of free will, not determinism; of the primary reality of the individual, not the tribe or the family;

— an epistemology of individual thought, applying strict logic, based on individual perception of reality, not obedience and dogma;

— an ethics of rational self-interest, to achieve chosen values, for the purpose of individual happiness on this earth, not fearful, dutiful appeasement of “a jealous God” who issues “commandments.”

Rather than the Ten Commandments, the actual grounding for American values is that captured by Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged:

“If I were to speak your kind of language, I would say that man’s only moral commandment is: Thou shalt think. But a ‘moral commandment’ is a contradiction in terms. The moral is the chosen, not the forced; the understood, not the obeyed. The moral is the rational, and reason accepts no commandments.”


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Harry Binswanger

Harry Binswanger, PhD in philosophy and formerly an associate of Ayn Rand, is the author of How We Know: Epistemology on an Objectivist Foundation and Ayn Rand’s Philosophic Achievement. He is a member of the board of directors of the Ayn Rand Institute, and professor at the Ayn Rand University.

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