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The Vicious Antitrust Case Against Google

Podcast audio:

In this episode of New Ideal Live, Ben Bayer and Robertas Bakula discuss the recent antitrust case against Google and what it reveals about the nature of antitrust law.

Among the topics covered:

  • Why Ayn Rand regarded antitrust law as immoral and un-American;
  • What evidence the DOJ’s antitrust case against Google is based on;
  • How antitrust law is non-objective in theory and in practice;
  • Why the DOJ’s antitrust case against Google is non-objective and unjust;
  • How antitrust law criminalizes businesses for being successful as such;
  • How the DOJ’s antitrust case equivocates political and economic power;
  • Why we need to fight for the moral right of businesses to be successful.

Mentioned in this podcast are Ayn Rand’s articles “The Age of Envy,” “America’s Persecuted Minority: Big Business,” and “Antitrust: The Rule of Unreason,” as well as our previous New Ideal podcast episode “Recent Antitrust Attacks on ‘Big Tech’.”

The podcast premiered on September 25, 2024. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Watch archived podcasts here.


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Itamar Feldman

Itamar Feldman, B.S. in mathematics, is a participant in the ARU Honors Program.

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