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The Shameful UN Resolution Demanding an Israeli Ceasefire

Podcast audio:

In this episode of New Ideal Live, Ben Bayer and Elan Journo discuss the recent United Nations “ceasefire” resolution. They argue it is yet another example of the West’s moral reluctance to condemn evil regimes and to provide a principled defense of Israel’s right to self-defense.

Among the topics covered:

  • The fact that Hamas seeks to destroy Israel because it is a bastion of civilization;
  • Why the UN resolution is a pro-Hamas document;
  • How the UN’s policy of moral neutrality enables evil regimes;
  • Why the United States is morally complicit in whitewashing Hamas;
  • Trump and Biden’s unprincipled support for Israel;
  • Why defeating Hamas requires the ideological deprogramming of the Palestinian population.

Mentioned in this podcast are Journo’s book What Justice Demands: America and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Agustina Vergara Cid’s essay  “Ayn Rand’s Radical View of the United Nations,” and Bayer’s “We Ignore the Unconditional Right to Self-Defense at Our Peril.”

The podcast was recorded on March 26, 2024. Listen and subscribe from your mobile device on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, Spotify or Stitcher. Watch archived podcasts here.


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Ibis Slade

Ibis Slade is a junior fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute and a content creator. He focuses on American intellectual and moral history.

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