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Moral Frameworks for Addressing the Pandemic

In this episode of New Ideal Live, philosophers Aaron Smith and Onkar Ghate analyze a recent Bloomberg.com article, “How Coronavirus Is Shaking Up the Moral Universe.” That article surveys “some of the leading idea systems undergirding competing. . .

ARI Condemns Krugman’s New York Times Smear of Ayn Rand

On October 22, 2020, economist Paul Krugman published a column in the New York Times entitled “How Many Americans Will Ayn Rand Kill?” The column’s subtitle was: “Liberty doesn’t mean freedom to infect other people.” On October 23, the Ayn Rand. . .

If You’re a Doctor or Nurse, Don’t Feel Guilty for Quitting

Doctors and nurses who face “moral distress” about caring for ungrateful, disrespectful patients should rethink their view of what they owe patients.

The Toxic Ideas Behind the Quest for ‘Zero Covid’

In this episode of New Ideal Live, Ben Bayer and Dr. Amesh Adalja discuss the ethics of infectious disease and evaluate the continued push for stringent paternalistic measures to combat Covid, including the Chinese government’s push for “Zero. . .

Seeing Through Misinformation About the Pandemic

How should we sort through the information about Covid-19 and distinguish fact from falsehood? In the first episode of New Ideal Live, Ben Bayer and Onkar Ghate sat down to discuss the claims around the drug hydroxychloroquine and the debate over. . .

Is It Selfish to Never Wear a Mask?

What should we think of people who flatly refuse to wear masks in any situation? Some pundits give an unequivocal answer: “Failure to wear a mask [is] an incredibly selfish act that puts other people’s lives at risk.” “Being against masks is a. . .

Lifting the Lockdowns

In this episode of New Ideal Live, Ben Bayer and Onkar Ghate discuss the lifting of the lockdowns and whether they were justified in the first place. Among the topics covered: The current state of the pandemic and. . .

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