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New Ideal - Reason | Individualism | Capitalism

The Unscientific, Un-American Ethics of Vaccine Distribution

It’s absurd to treat philosophers’ “intuitions” as standards for government distribution of the Covid vaccine.

Discussing the New Laws Needed to Combat a Pandemic

In this episode of New Ideal Live, Ben Bayer interviews Onkar Ghate, ARI’s chief philosophy officer, and Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease expert, to discuss Ghate’s recent paper “A Pro-Freedom Approach to Infectious Disease.” Some of. . .

COVID-19’s Impact on Business and Politics

How should we think about and critically evaluate the torrent of information and reporting coming out daily about the pandemic? That’s one of the crucial issues that philosophers Onkar Ghate and Gregory Salmieri address in a special episode of ARI’s. . .

Analyzing Paul Krugman’s New York Times Smear of Ayn Rand

In this special episode of New Ideal Live, Onkar Ghate and Elan Journo discuss Paul Krugman’s recent column in the New York Times smearing Ayn Rand and claiming that she’s responsible for the death of thousands of people during the pandemic. The. . .

Lifting the Lockdowns

In this episode of New Ideal Live, Ben Bayer and Onkar Ghate discuss the lifting of the lockdowns and whether they were justified in the first place. Among the topics covered: The current state of the pandemic and recent policy decisions;The. . .

It’s Past Time for a Pandemic Testing Strategy

Months of statewide lockdowns across the country were meant in part to buy time to ramp up testing and contact tracing with regard to the spread of Covid-19. Now — amid an upsurge of cases in Florida, Texas, Arizona, and elsewhere — we still have. . .

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